
In this objective, prisoners are sent to deliver a carry item to specific machinery in the expedition.


The required carry item is provided to the prisoners at the beginning of the expedition in a padded container and has to be inserted into a machine for processing. All of these machines each have a specific zone consisting of just one room. and most of them can be located via Terminal queries.

Once inserted, the item either has to be taken to an extraction point (similar to the Retrieve Item objective) or is left inside the machine. The insertion can trigger a variety of events like starting/stopping an error alarm, spawning specific enemies, unlocking Security Doors under emergency lockdown or activating a jump gate to transport the players to another location.

When using the HydroStasis Depressurizer (called "Unsealer" in R5B3) the objective item changes its appearance after processing.

Processable Items[]


The following list of Sectors details every occurrence of the Process Item objective type in expedition order.

