Nightmare Scout
//Keep the width at 250-270 pixel!
15 x 4% Projectile
High (81 per tumor / 161 total)
Stagger HP
Threat level
Very High
Weak Points
Back (2x), Tumor (1x)

The Nightmare Scout is an enemy introduced in Rundown 8.0. It is currently only found in levels within Rundown 8.

Behavior[ | ]

When patrolling rooms, the Nightmare Scout follows typical scout behavior, walking around and extending tentacles. When woken, it will spawn a wave of enemies, and then attack players by shooting bursts of fast-moving high-damage projectiles.

The projectile it fires seem to be somewhat inaccurate, and not every projectile will hit. When standing still, damage taken a projectile burst typically tends to be between 16-36 damage.

Strategies[ | ]

Nightmare Scouts are armored. To do effective damage, players should target the two tumors on the front and back of its torso. Each tumor can receive 81 damage before breaking. Shots that hit the Nightmare Scout in other areas will only do 30% of their normal damage.

To quietly take out a Nightmare Scout, C-Foam it, and then melee the tumors. A single hammer user is able to do just enough damage to kill the Nightmare Scout before C-Foam wears off, but it is recommended to have multiple players melee it together to mitigate potential mistakes. It may be helpful to try to shoot the C-Foam onto the Nightmare Scout's legs, as C-Foam blobs on the torso can visually obscure the tumors.

Nightmare Scouts can be 1-shot by a Scattergun as client. To do this, the Scattergun user should be standing behind the Nightmare Scout, for the x2 back damage bonus, and fire a point blank shot at the tumor. It may be easier to achieve this when crouched. It is critical that the Scattergun user is a client (i.e. not the lobby host), as this strategy takes advantage of latency related issues (if the host attempts this, the tumor will break after taking 81 damage from the Scattergun pellets, before enough damage is done to kill the scout).

If any Special Damage booster is used, the Sniper can 1-shot Nightmare Scouts from behind.

When awake, the Nightmare Scout poses a high threat, due to the high damage and speed of its projectiles.

Extra Details[ | ]

  • When dealing damage to the weakspot of an enemy, the product of the weapon's Precision Multiplier and the enemy's Weakspot Multiplier has an effective minimum of 1, i.e. hitting the weakspot of an enemy never causes you to do less damage than the base damage of the hit. With a weakpoint multiplier of 1 (and many weapons having Precision Multipliers less than 1), the Nightmare Scout is the first enemy for this effective minimum to take effect.
  • The tumors on Nightmare Scouts have some shared behavior with boss tumors. The Nightmare Scout is also the first enemy to have tumors with less HP than the enemy itself, while also being susceptible to back damage.
    • Notably, the bonus Back Multiplier interacts strangely with tumor damage clamping. Typically the player cannot deal more damage to the enemy in a single damage instance than the maximum HP of the tumor they are hitting (plus one). So one might expect the damage of a Sniper shot from behind a Nightmare Scout to deal a maximum of 82 damage. But this is not the case. It seems that the damage is clamped after the precision and weakspot multipliers are applied, but before the back multiplier. So a Sniper shot from behind (with ~80.3 damage before back multi) can actually deal up to ~160.6 damage - just shy of killing the Nightmare Scout.
    • However, the damage that the tumor itself takes is still affected by bonus back damage, only clamping is affected.

Audio[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
