
Gameplay[ | ]

General[ | ]

  • Crouch toggle - Toggles the crouch mode between holding/releasing the button or pressing to enable/disable the mode. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Sprint toggle - Toggles the sprint mode between holding/releasing the button or pressing to enable/disable the mode. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Aim toggle - Toggles the Aim down sight mode between holding/releasing the button or pressing to enable/disable the mode (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Stand on jump - Enables automatically standing up after jumping from crouched position. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Hold to show coms list - Toggles the coms list to be between holding/releasing the button or pressing to show/hide it. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Auto reload - Enables automatic reloading of empty weapons when possible. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Weapon relax pose - Enables a relaxed weapon pose when out of combat for a little while. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Crouch tilt - Enables a small rotation to the weapons to indicate that you are crouching. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • First-person inertia amount - Controls the amount of movement on first-person items as a result of walking, running, jumping etc. (0%-100%)
  • Voice commands in chat - Toggles if the voice commands should show in the chat. (Disabled / Enabled)

Mouse[ | ]

  • Invert mouse - Inverts the vertical mouse movement. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Left hand mode - Switches the input of the left and right mouse button. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Mouse look sensitivity - The look speed of your camera movement. (0.10-1.00)
  • Mouse aim mode sensitivity scale - The look speed of your camera movement when aiming down sights. (0.10-1.00)
  • Mouse menu sensitivity - The speed of your mouse in the menus. (0.10-1.00)

Gamepad[ | ]

  • Gamepad look sensitivity - The gamepad camera look sensitivity. (0.10-1.00)
  • Gamepad menu sensitivity - The gamepad menu cursor movement sensitivity. (0.10-1.00)
  • Gamepad max speed - The maximum gamepad camera look speed. (0.10-1.00)

Display[ | ]

  • Primary display - The monitor the game should be displayed on.
  • Full screen mode - The display mode of the game window. (Exclusive fullscreen / Fullscreen window / Maximized Window / Windowed)
  • Resolution - The render resolution of the game.
  • Anti-aliasing - The method to use when smoothing out aliased edges. TAA smoothes the image over time, which enables better anti-aliasing but can result in the image “ghosting”. (None / FXAA / SMAA / TAA (Sharp) / TAA (Soft))
  • Target framerate - A target framerate the game will attempt to stay under. Note that this is not a guarantee, and if Vertical Sync is enabled, this setting will do nothing. (20-Infinite)
  • Vertical field of view - The camera vertical field of view, in degrees. (20 -120)
  • Motion blur amount - The amount of motion blur to use for screen movement and moving objects. (Off-100)
  • Vertical sync - If enabled, will lock the game’s refresh rate to that of the monitor’s. This prevents screen tearing, but might introduce some latency. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Dithering - Adds noise to the image to prevent color banding caused by the monitor's limited color range. (Disabled / Enabled)

Graphics[ | ]

  • Texture size - The resolution of textures. (Quarter / Half / Full)
  • Fog resolution - The render resolution of the volumetric fog. (Very low / Low / Medium / High / Very high)
  • SSAO - The quality of the screen-space ambient occlusion effect, which darkens corners to give a more realistic image. (Off / Low / Medium / High / Very High)
  • Shadow resolution - The render resolution of shadow maps. (Low / Medium / High / Very high)
  • Contact shadows - The quality of screen-space contact shadows, which add high-frequency details to most lights in the game. (Off / Low / Medium / High)
  • Player shadows - Controls whether flashlights render player shadows or not. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Anisotropic filtering - Enables higher quality textures when looking at surfaces at a grazing angle. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Depth of field - Enables a depth-based blur near the camera under certain circumstances, like when aiming a weapon. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Bloom - Enables an effect that blurs bright pixels in an attempt to simulate light overwhelming the camera. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Subsurface scattering - Enables an effect that simulates the scattering of light within soft tissues, like skin and flesh. (Disabled / Enabled)

Advanced Graphics[ | ]

  • Fog diffusion quality - Controls the number of samples used to blur fog and ambient light. (Low / Medium / High)
  • CPU culling workload - Controls the granularity of CPU culling operations. A higher value improves GPU performance at the cost of CPU performance. (Small / Medium / Large / Extreme)
  • Max render queue frames - Controls the maximum number of frames the graphics driver is allowed to queue up. A higher value can improve performance, but might introduce some latency. (0-10)
  • Sample noise - Adds noise to certain effects to make them appear smoother. (Disabled / Enabled)

Audio[ | ]

  • Master volume - Controls the volume of all audio. (0-100%)
  • SFX volume - Controls the volume of effects. (0-100%)
  • Music volume - Controls the volume of music. (0-100%)
  • Dialog volume - Controls the volume of dialog. (0-100%)
  • Mute in background - Toggles if all sounds should be muted when the game is in the background.. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Mute voice communication lines - Toggles if the audio for voice commands communication lines should be muted. (Disabled / Enabled)

HUD[ | ]

  • Crosshair opacity - Controls the transparency of the crosshair. (0-100%)
  • Show hit indicators - Enables the indicators (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Hit indicator opacity - Controls the transparency of the hit indicator. (0-100%)
  • HUD pixel effects - A graphic setting that makes it so that in the game’s user interfaces have mirroring/drop shadow-like effect. (0-100%)
  • HUD skewing - Controls the amount of curve on your HUD. (0-100%)
  • Show FPS counter - Enables the in game FPS counter. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Always show teammate info - Enables name and info above your teammates. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Auto center map on player - Makes the in game map always center on the player. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • HUD opacity - Controls the transparency of your HUD. (0-100%)
  • Player ghost opacity - Controls the transparency of your teammates outline. (0-100%)

Compass[ | ]

  • Visible - Enables the compass on your HUD. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Scale - Controls the size of the compass. (75-120%)

Inventory[ | ]

  • Visible - Enables the inventory on your HUD. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Scale - Controls the size of the inventory. (75-120%)

Chat[ | ]

  • Visible - Enables the chat on your HUD. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Scale - Controls the size of the chat. (75-120%)

Statusbar[ | ]

  • Visible - Enables the statusbar on your HUD. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Scale - Controls the size of the statusbar. (75-120%)

Subtitles[ | ]

  • Visible - Enables the subtitles on your HUD. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Scale - Controls the size of the subtitles. (75-120%)

Objective[ | ]

  • Visible - Enables the objective on your HUD. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Scale - Controls the size of the objective. (75-120%)

Intel[ | ]

  • Scale - Controls the size of the intel. (75-120%)

Voice chat[ | ]

  • Voice chat mode - How you want the voice chat to be activated. (Disabled / Push to talk / Voice activated)
  • Play sound on push to talk - Plays a sound everytime you push the push to talk button. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Voice volume - Controls the incoming volume from your teammates. (0-100%)
  • Voice chat microphone volume - Controls the input level of your microphone. (0-100%)
  • Voice chat microphone - The device you want to use as a microphone in voice chat.

Key & Mouse Mapping[ | ]

  • Move Left
  • Move Right
  • Move Backwards
  • Move Forward
  • Menu Cursor Move Left
  • Menu Cursor Move Right
  • Menu Cursor Move Down
  • Menu Cursor Move Up
  • Jump
  • Use
  • Reload
  • Melee
  • Aim
  • Fire
  • Run
  • Crouch
  • Select Melee Weapon
  • Select Main Weapon
  • Select Special Weapon
  • Select Tool
  • Select Resource Pack
  • Select Consumable
  • Select Hacking Tool
  • Toggle Gear
  • Toggle Flashlight
  • Toggle Map
  • Toggle Objectives Screen
  • Toggle Communication Menu
  • Select Communication Menu Option
  • Voice Chat - Push to Talk
  • Open/Send Text Chat
  • Close Text Chat
  • Ping
  • Hold to Show Teammate Info

Gamepad Mapping[ | ]

  • Jump
  • Use
  • Reload
  • Aim
  • Fire
  • Run
  • Crouch
  • Toggle Gear
  • Toggle Flashlight
  • Toggle Map

Accessibility[ | ]

  • Language - The language the menu should be localized to. (English / French / Italian / German / Spanish - Spain / Japanese / Korean / Polish / Portuguese - Brazil / Russian / Simplified Chinese / Traditional Chinese)
  • Hide syringe needles - Enables you to hide the needle on the syringes in game. (Disabled / Enabled)
  • Unity privacy option - Click here to read more about Unitys Privacy settings. Ability to request your data and opt-out of data collection.
  • Photosensitivity warning - Toggles if the Photosensitivity Warning should show at launch. (Disabled / Enabled)