
The Floodways environment resembles overgrown sewerage and waste-water drainage facilities. It was added in Rundown 005. Floodways are one of the two Overgrown Environments which may be found within the same expedition — the other being the Gardens.

Appearance[ | ]

The Floodways contains some of the largest environments in The Complex, featuring bridges, water drainage, and smaller workshops and laboratories with grow beds. The area also contains various vehicles, including transport trucks, and KDS armoured vehicles. The Floodways provides reservoir, drainage of ocean water, and is vital to reactor cooling.

In contrast to all other environments, the Floodways contains many unique designs for typical elements — such as doors, ladders, and zone and area labelling. Given its volume, Terminals are often surrounded by additional lighting. Plants and moss can be seen covering large parts of the walls and floor. Some locations have a small layer of water covering the floor, resulting in special step sounds when traversing them.

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